Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Site has been vacant since that time. The Site is bounded to the north by St. Andrews Episcopal Church; to the east by Main Street; to the south by an alley followed by a 2-story commercial building occupied by Richard Kozlowski General Dentistry; and to the west by Grace United Methodist Church. This work includes the removal and disposal of universal wastes, abatement of asbestos containing materials, abatement of lead based paint, removal and disposal of sediments within basement floor drains and piping, removal, management and/or disposal of PCB containing building materials, blasting and encapsulation of PCB containing paint on interior foundation walls and walls designated to remain, and PCB, metals and semi-volatile organics impacted soil during the redevelopment of the Town of St. Johnsbury’s Armory Building. The proposed work also includes the design and installation of a building bracing system, demolishing the majority of the rear (western) gymnasium portion of the building and gut renovation of the front (eastern) portion of the building. Following remedial activities, the Site and building will be developed into a new Town of St. Johnsbury Municipal Police and Regional Dispatch Center. Note that the Town is currently reviewing two potential options for building redevelopment and is therefore requesting two price options. The Town expects to make a decision on the proposed redevelopment before the start of remedial construction. This work will be funded by the Town of St. Johnsbury’s EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant (Cooperative Agreement No. BF- 00A01034). Additional funding sources include a Brownfield Revitalization Fund Grant from the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD); a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Vermont Community Development Program (VCDP); and Revolving Loan Funds (RLF) from the Northwest Regional Planning Commission.