This is a sources sought for Rip Rap / Stone / Rock for Wheeler NWR, AL.
In total, these roads span 7.2 lane miles.
In support of the bank stabilization of Rockhouse and Jolly Bottom roads, 44,444 tons of class #2 riprap weighing an estimated 200 lbs be delivered and place by barge. Placement will occur along the North side of the Tennessee River in various locations along County Road 129. Expected delivery locations can be seen via the associate map.
Materials required are:
Class 2 RipRap 44,444 Tons
Class 2 Rip Rap:
No more than 10% of the stone will have a diameter greater than sixteen (16) inches; no more than 50% of the stone will have a diameter less than twelve (12) inches; and no more than 10% of the stone will have a diameter of less than six (6) inches. The thickness of the rip-rap liner will be no less than sixteen (16) inches.
Please see attached site map.
If you are interested in the work, please email the following information to by 2/13/2023 at 10 AM Pacific Time.
1. DUNS # and CAGE code
2. A statement that your firm can deliver in full via barge and offloaded between 6/01/23 and 09/15/23.
3. Provide the location of the quarry the rip rap will be sourced from.
Businesses of all sizes are encouraged to respond.