1. The purpose of this amendment is to update the Period of Performance on each of the CLINs, remove all unapplicable attachments, and add the Contractor Technical Specifications Certification Attachment.
The CLINs are amended to as follows:
- CLIN 001 8/15/24-1/11/25
- CLIN 002 8/15/24-8/13/25
- CLIN 1001 1/12/25-2/9/25
- CLIN 2001 2/10/25-3/10/25
- CLIN 3001 3/11/25-4/8/25
- CLIN 4001 4/9/25-5/7/25
- CLIN 5001 5/8/25-6/5/25
- CLIN 6001 6/6/25-7/4/25
- CLIN 1002 8/14/25-4/13/26
- CLIN 2002 4/14/26-5/12/26
- CLIN 3002 5/13/26-6/10/26
- CLIN 4002 6/11/26-7/9/26
- CLIN 5002 7/10/26-8/7/26
- CLIN 6002 8/8/26-9/5/26
2. The Attachments removed are as follows:
- Attachment I Past Performance Information Form
- Attachment II Past Performance Questionnaire
- Attachment III Past Performance Questionnaire
- Attachment II Specifications Sheet with Price
- Attachment III Specifications Sheet without Price.
3. Other than these changes, all terms and conditions remain the same.