County Planning Staff (Project Lead) project tasks and team responsibilities will be: A. Coordinating with other departments (Economic Development, Public Utilities, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, etc.) regarding economic development potential and infrastructure needs. B. Preparing for and managing community engagement events (at least two rounds of engagement). C. Preparing plan text. Consultant shall provide supplementary technical expertise and graphic design. Project tasks and team responsibilities shall include, but not limited to: A. Collecting data regarding existing conditions through GIS data and site visits, including assessments of existing land uses, environmental resources/constraints, historic/cultural resources, infrastructure, and a market analysis to identify targeted industries and economic development potential. B. Preparing maps (in coordinate with GIS team) and taking photos to illustrate existing conditions identified in section 2.4A. C. Providing recommendations regarding building and landscape design based upon community feedback, with graphics prepared demonstrating these concepts (similar in quality and scope as those included in Attachment E)...