Specifications include, but are not limited to: The purpose is to establish a contract for the lease-purchase of an all-inclusive package conference center and hotel/motel accommodations by the PURCHASING AGENT, which is the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP), an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. STATEMENT OF NEEDS: Meeting space and accommodations for Virginia Public Health and Healthcare Preparedness Summit and Virginia Epidemiology Seminar 2025. REQUIRED DATES: Three-day event with a day 4 to be determined to take place on any 4 weekdays preferably Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday but will consider Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday options. No weekend dates. Offeror’s proposal must explain their abilities to meet the needs fully, partially, or not at all for all requirements listed in this solicitation. Preferred Timeframes: February 2025-April 2025 March preferred. Exception 1st week of April (March 31st-April 4th). Exception of April 27th – May 1st. Or other noted State/federal holiday. MEETING SPACE NEEDS: Location is flexible based on space availability. Adequate parking must be available for attendees staying at the hotel, and those commuting for the day. Free parking preferred. Virginia Green Facility preferred.