1. The Contractor shall meet annually with the Park Manager to discuss site-specific needs identified in the conservation plan. The meeting shall occur prior to April 15 of each contractual year. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the proper management of the park’s hay fields, to include but not limited to: a) Maintenance of productive fertility levels b) Control of weeds, c) Fertilization for the fields, d) Addition of lime to the soil. 2. The Contractor Shall be responsible for the purchase of fertilizer and Lime for application on designated fields, using the current Nutrient Management Plan Recommendations and the most recent soil test as a guideline. 3. The Contractor shall conduct soil sampling every two years per Virginia Cooperative Extension Service testing requirements with test results made available to the Commonwealth. 4. The Contractor shall not apply any pesticide, herbicide or fertilizer within 50 feet of perennial or intermittent streams or as otherwise specified in the Nutrient Management plan. 5. The Contractor can use fertilizers that are granular and/or poultry litter. If poultry litter is used, it must be dry and free of large bones and body parts...