To continue the marketing and communications assistance for DEA Museum’s traveling exhibit, Drugs: Costs and Consequences, the Museum seeks this work from a reputable and experienced vendor.
• Website management and all functions/networking purchases/operations/updating of content/imagery/graphics for This includes updating all pages as needed, management of emails and forms run through the website, connecting the map to venues, navigation, inserting photography and any images, etc.
• Work with the DEA Museum to assess usefulness of printed projects and website flow and content.
• Development of an exhibit brochure for each venue for a year, working with DEA Museum staff for that city’s brochure. The venue will provide its information to the DEA Museum and vendor.
• Providing graphics and assistance for venues, as needed. Example: graphics for banners, signs.
• Design printed materials to promote the exhibit to venues. This includes an eight to ten page booklet using current branding graphics.
• Revamp individual sheets/pages used to explain specifics about the exhibit. Examples: Expenses and responsibilities sheet, AV/Interactive Sheet/Logistics and Transportation.
Maintain all exhibit branding graphics, photographs, maps, and designed brochures and elements.
• Maintenance of all QR codes used throughout the exhibit. Maintain their operational links; provide data as needed; any purchases or annual fees to be provided by vendor. Provide reports of QR code usage. Add up to three QR codes in a given year, as requested by Museum. Experience with DEA Museum, DEA, and traveling exhibits is needed.
Time Period: One Year from Date of Award
Provider must be registered in SAM and will bill DEA monthly, in arrears, for actual services rendered.