Summary: The Virginia Department of Forestry (DOF) is seeking a contractor to remove four (4) standing trees at the Waverly Office, located at 135 Bank Street in Waverly, VA. The four (4) trees are located near the DOF property boundary, adjacent to a pole barn/tractor shed. The work shall consist of tree cutting and removal of all timber and woody debris. Requirements: The Contractor shall provide all supervision, labor, equipment, disposal, fuel, and any other incidentals necessary to meet the requirements of the performance specifications stated within. 1. The work shall consist of timber clearing, cutting, and removal of all woody vegetation greater than three (3) inches in diameter at breast height (DBH). All stumps shall be cut not to exceed 18” inches in height above existing grade. All timber cut shall become the property of the Contractor. It shall be removed and legally disposed of. 2. The site is located at 135 Bank Street in Waverly, VA. The four (4) trees are marked for removal with survey ribbon (blue/white stripe). 3. The contractor shall notify Luke Marcek at least 72 hours prior to work commencing. 4. Once work has commenced, the Contractor shall proceed in a continuous manner unless weather, safety considerations or other circumstances, approved by DOF, delay the work. 5. Contractor shall complete all work specified within 60 days of award of contract.