1. Have a Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist credential from the Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists or deemed by The Department of Motor Vehicles. 2. Evaluate the following number of seniors per Contract award, on their cognitive ability and driving skills: • minimum of thirty-two (32) evaluations/assessments for each Contract awarded for the Coastal Regions All driver evaluations must be completed by September 30 of the initial term and each renewal year thereafter. 3. Use funds to effectively serve the senior population aged 65 and over or adults 55 to 64 with dementia or other significant cognitive impairment. Applicants may elect to create a sliding scale fee system to serve seniors at varying levels of financial need, thus supplying a full or partial discount to economically disadvantaged seniors. However, the fee scale should not be such that it discourages participation by seniors who would benefit from evaluation. 4. Provide a minimum of two (2) educational sessions to healthcare professionals on how to assess and recognize impaired driving skills and to refer individuals to undergo comprehensive driver rehabilitation assessments. These sessions shall occur in the initial term and each renewal term before September 30. 5. Educate drivers and their families on how to continue to safely operate a motor vehicle for as long as practical and provide resources for those who are no longer safe to drive. 6. Services will be financed through a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, through the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Highway Safety Office. Federal funds should not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the total budget. Therefore, matching funds of twenty-five percent (25%) are required. For example, a budget of $14,777.00 requires a maximum of $11,083.00, or 75%, in federal grant funds with a minimum of $3,694.00, or 25%, in matching funds. Match funds include all contributions, including cash and third party in-kind. Federal funds cannot be used as match. 7. The Contractor shall keep records and create reports containing information in the form required by the State Agency. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and documents that shall permit prompt determination of the status of funds and the level of services provided under this Contract, including the disbursement of all monies received from the State Agency and the nature and amount of all charges claimed against such funds.