Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Thermostat controlled side walls and roof on glass greenhouse: a. Thermostat opens and closes windows and turns on and off coolers and heaters based on set temperature. b. Install motors on 2 side walls 3 ridge vents. All window spans are approximately 25” high and run the length of the houses. c. Subcontractor or company hooks the other 3 motors up to thermostats and monitoring system. 2. Shade cover: a. Diffused light shade cover rolls out and back in. b. Would like compare the cost of motorized and manual pulleys for the diffused light cloth, but for the purposes of this bid, please provide the cost of the diffused shade panels with manual pull capacity. 3. Wifi-based controller: a. Software connects to computer with options for remote controlling. b. Software must be approved by CCPS IT office.