Specifications include, but are not limited to: The purpose of this RFI is to identify health and fitness service providers with capability to provide qualitative services at price friendly/discounted rates to the City’s employees and retirees. The desired services are expected to commence from January 1, 2023. No contract award will be made from this RFI, but the City will use the information obtained to identify capable and price friendly health and fitness membership service providers, whose services will be recommended and marketed directly to employees and retirees by the City. The City intends to identify as many service providers as are capable and price friendly. Note that there shall be no contractual relationship between any of the identified/selected service providers and the City. Service providers shall contract directly with employees/retirees and all payment arrangements and agreements shall be between the service providers and the respective employees/retirees. It shall be the responsibility of the respective service providers to verify applicants’ status as City employees/retirees, and the City will not assume responsibility for any contractual issue between a service provider and any employer/retiree member or user of its services.