Specifications include, but are not limited to: Plan, write, edit, design, and distribute the Publication according to the following specifications: Format: 32 page self-cover magazine Contract Quantity: Approximately 5,000 printed issues per year Frequency: 4 Issues per year Paper Stock: 80lb # 2 opus dull text, 10% PCW Cover Stock: 80lb # 2 opus dull cover, 10% PCW Dimensions: 8.375 X 10.875 Binding: Saddle-stitched Publisher will collaborate with AAMVA on the following elements: • Editorial planning and calendar development • 100% content development/writing with the option of AAMVA input as needed • Graphic design (includes stock imagery) • Editorial and proofreading functions • Prepress, color correction, and file readiness • Ad design and placement and tracking including pre-flighting • Print management