Specifications include, but are not limited to: The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified firms to provide the Newport News Economic/Industrial Development Authority (“EDA”) with a variety of marketing and advertising services to promote the City of Newport News, Virginia as a prime location for starting, relocating, and expanding a business and experiencing an enjoyable and affordable community and quality of life. A. Continue to work with the “Built on Breakthroughs” brand when working in the areas of creative development and production. B. Proactively identify new ideas for marketing opportunities. C. Serve as primary marketing and advertising contact with media sources such as newspapers, magazines, trade journals, broadcast entities, and other media outlets, as directed by staff. D. Copywriting and creative design for ads, articles, advertorials, social media, and other communications. E. Design, development, and production services for the EDA Annual Report. F. Website design, proactive enhancement, and maintenance. G. Social media content development and programming, including any content provided by Development staff. H. Obtaining and/or selecting photographs to be used in promotional materials and activities. I. Creation and development of formats for e-communications and interactive initiatives, including websites, in which content could be updated by Development staff as needed without the need for additional vendor services.