1 PRIMARY FIRM Natural Gas TOTAL at the City Gate for the HRSD-Lamberts PT Plant. Total amount is estimated. 4,500 Dekather m (s) 2 INTERRUPTIBLE Natural Gas TOTAL at the City Gate for the HRSD - Lamberts PT Plant. Total amount is estimated. 4,500 Dekather m (s) 3 PRIMARY FIRM Natural Gas PER MONTH at the City Gate for the City of Chesapeake. Total amount is estimated. 2,900 Dekather m (s) 4 INTERRUPTIBLE Natural Gas PER MONTH at the City Gate for the City of Chesapeake. Total amount is estimated. 2,900 Dekather m (s) 5 PRIMARY FIRM Natural Gas TOTAL at the City Gate for the HRSD-Newport News Terminal. Total amount is estimated. 5,500 Dekather m (s) 6 INTERRUPTIBLE Natural Gas TOTAL at the City Gate for the HRSD-Newport News Terminal. Total amount is estimated. 5,500 Dekather m (s)