Provide towing and recovery services for City-maintained vehicles, to include passenger vehicles, dump trucks, fire apparatus, and ambulances, as well as construction and industrial type equipment such as tractor with rear and/or side mounted mowing machinery. The City reserves the right to obtain outside services for equipment and oversized vehicles outside the scope of the contract. a. Light Towing i. Standard Automobiles: Class 1 and 2 ii. Light Trucks: Class 1 and 2-Mini, 1/2 Ton, and 3/4 Ton Pickups and Vans B. Heavy Towing i. Medium Trucks: Class 4-6-Class 1 and 2 - Single axle dump trucks; 16 foot, 18 foot, and 20 foot vans; one ton Utility Trucks; Ambulances; and School buses, etc. ii. Heavy Trucks: Class 7 and 8 - Refuse Packers/Tractor Trailers, Tandem Axle Dump Trucks, Fire Apparatus, Trucks and Trailers.