Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Treasurer requires printing, mailing, and envelope services several times during the year to support the collection of taxes. Under the County’s current contract for printing and mailing services for the Treasurer, the contractor prints, separates, folds, inserts into envelopes, and delivers the Treasurer’s bills and forms to the U.S. Post Office. The envelopes for the Treasurer are currently printed by a separate contractor and are delivered to the printing and mailing service contractor for the completion of the mailings. The County is seeking one Contractor for the continuation of these services in support of the County’s Treasurer’s Office. Printing and Mailing Services A. The Contractor must have the capability to handle regular mail and first-class mail. B. The Contractor shall articulate their capabilities and limitations associated with small quantity reprints (measured in dozens, or hundreds of units) as well as their ability to respond to special printing and mailing, large quantity prints (measured in hundreds of thousands), and bulk-mail-only requests. C. The Contractor must have the ability to process data (names/addresses) for populating the fields on the mailings sent by Treasurer through a file process, and the bills/documents are created by print mapping layout/extract file. D. The Contractor must articulate their ability to provide a proof of concept for the processing of these printings and mailings. The bills are transmitted via electronic data file or Portable Document Format (PDF). The Contractor will provide proof and scan line testing before the bills are printed and mailed. E. The Contractor shall perform periodic production quality review of all printed materials to ensure quality and accuracy; correct/restart as necessary. F. The Contractor shall use the U.S. Postal Service standard delivery for delivery of all bills/documents apart from the Personal and Real Estate tax bills that need to be mailed as first class. All other exceptions must be approved by the Treasurer. G. Contractor shall submit any requested reporting by the County to support the items in subsection 5.2 and 5.3. 5.2 Contractor Requirements for Mailing and Printing Services The Contractor shall: A. Receive and format the multiple mailing templates