Services include but may not be limited to: • Coordinate the appropriate housing placement based on participant needs and provide information on the housing status to the Employment Services Program (ESP) worker. • Assist VIEW program participants to help prevent sanctions and loss of benefits and services due to housing barriers. • Assist participants with understanding the basics of The Virginia Landlord Tenant Act and their roles and responsibilities in negotiating lease agreements. • Work in collaboration with the ESP worker to identify appropriate housing placement. • Create and maintain individual case records, filing, database management, and submission of reports. • Participate in staff, program planning, community partner, vendor meetings and events. • Complete or coordinate completion of housing related screenings or assessments. The Employment Service Worker (ESW) will initiate referrals to local community partners or program contracted vendors and request additional services as needed. • Assist participants in completing housing applications, which may include subsidized and Section 8/Public housing applications. Compile information to document housing related profiles such as; size of family, housing barriers, eviction, criminal and substance abuse history, anticipated shelter exit date or housing need date, and other information determined to be essential for proper housing placement. • Develop a housing stabilization plan for each program participant that should include participant demographics, challenges/historical experiences that impact housing stabilization, and goals, objectives, timeframes, responsibilities of participants and vendors involved in the plan execution. • Develop a housing presentation plan for each program participant that should include information about various housing related matters such as public housing, housing choice vouchers, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, understanding and ability to explain the Virginia Landlord Tenant Act, tenant education, housing program funding eligibility and guidelines, fair market housing, rent reasonableness, Fair Housing Act of 1968.