Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Contractor Shall: 1) Develop a unique exhibit design for each site which meets or exceeds both the overall goals as stated in this RFP and the site-specific needs as outlined in Attachment G. 2) Collaborate with VSP staff to develop content and design that appropriately and authentically conveys the unique character of the park. i. At each site, vendor will meet with the site advisory committee to develop and refine stories and themes to be incorporated into the exhibit as well as establish overall aesthetic and identity. ii. VSP recognizes the importance and value of consulting and engaging with the Federally and State Recognized Indian Tribes of Virginia. As such, where exhibit topics will include discussion of the history, culture, or community of Virginia’s Indigenous peoples, consultation will take place in keeping with VSP’s Tribal Consultation Best Management Practices. 1. The VSP Tribal Liaison will initiate and guide the consultation process with the appropriate Tribal Nation(s). 2. VSP Tribal Liaison will coordinate final approvals of tribal related content. b. Planning and Design services shall include, but are not limited to: 1) Developing a thorough understanding of the context and goals of the parks as well as the existing exhibit resources that are available for use. Contractor shall incorporate these resources in a way that makes the best sense for the design and project budget. 2) Development of the exhibit concept, storyline, and theme. 3) Research and writing of exhibit content, sourcing additional images and other display components as needed. Care shall be taken that images and resources represent authentic, appropriate content (for example images of species native to the specific region of Virginia). 4) Use of ADA accessibility standards 5) Where multilanguage translation is required, translation shall be certified. VSP shall be provided with a certification statement that follows American Translator Association Guidelines, at a minimum. 6) Site review and measurement confirmation; Contractor to field verify all existing conditions in each location. 7) Preparation of all concept, schematic, and design drawings and packages for approval. This includes but is not limited to lighting, graphics, a/v, casework, and gallery construction. Being flexible to adapt design based on project needs/changes...