Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1.Install, configure, and deploy Drupal 9 on the PWCSA’s Pantheon Platform – ThePWCSA requires the installation of Drupal 9 on Pantheon Platform to manage the contentof three (3) existing websites.2.Migrate content of three (3) existing websites – The PWCSA requires the content of three(3) existing web sites be migrated from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 platform. Contentmigration includes code, databases and files. Current websites content index can beviewed in Appendix A: Current Site Contents Index.3.Redesign the public website, www.pwcsa.org, to better serve the current needs andexpectations of PWCSA customers. Redesign of the public website shall include, but notbe limited to, the following:•Create a highly usable website designed and organized in a dynamic manner;•Allow viewers to easily find information on a variety of devices, includingmobile devices;•Convey the PWCSA brand in a manner consistent with the organizationalculture and customer-first focus; and•Consolidate and migrate existing content.