Specifications include, but are not limited to: A.Website Services – Development and Revision of Authority’s website.a.The Proposer will work with the Authority’s staff to develop concepts forupdating and revising the Authority’s website.b.Others services as needed for website improvement or update.B.Content Migrationa.Propose a one-time fee to migrate office and staging websites to a new serverb.Assist Authority in selecting a hosting provider that is secure, reliable,responsive, and cost-effectivec.Migrate official and staging websites to a new host server with minimaldowntimed.Ensure both websites have been installed and are working properlyC.Website Services – Supporta.Install and maintain any required hardware or software necessary to maintainCHO’s websiteb.Install and deploy updates monthly or as needed to ensure stability and securityc.Be the direct interface with the hosting provider, and manage all hosting aspectsof the websited.Provide website maintenance and support in a timely manner (as defined in thecontract)e.Provide technical and professional services to update website content asrequestedf.Provide site usage metrics and analytics for marketing purposesg.Provide site protection.