Specifications include, but are not limited to: Fairfax City’s Economic Development Authority (EDA) is seeking proposals from qualified offerors to deliver website design and development services. The new website will be user-friendly, professional, ADA compliant, innovative, and work well with all major browsers. The new website should render in both desktop mode and mobile viewing mode. Included in the design will be a Content Management System (CMS) that will allow the Economic Development Office/Authority staff to easily manage the site content. The site should serve as a one-stop shop for city-businesses and prospective businesses. The EDA has an existing license through WordPress but will consider alternatives proposed by the offeror. The EDA’s website is public facing and should make interaction with the business and development community easy, efficient and informative. The delivered site must appeal to existing city businesses looking to expand, prospective businesses looking to relocate into Fairfax City, and entrepreneurs looking to start a new business in Fairfax. The website should also serve as a tool for highlighting the EDA’s partnership in the Mason Enterprise Center (MEC)* - Fairfax, in collaboration with George Mason University.