1. Contractor shall provide all labor, supervision, equipment and incidentals necessary to load, haul, discharge and dispose of aqueous wastewater with high salt concentrations (salt pond water) from various locations within VDOT’s Chesterfield Residency. 2. Contractor shall provide all labor, supervision, equipment, incidentals, etc., necessary to remove and dispose of solid waste (sludge) from various locations within Chesterfield Residency. 3. Contractor shall be capable of commencing work within one (1) week of award. 4. Contractor shall respond/acknowledge service requests within 48 hours of receiving a written notification from VDOT. 5. Service addresses for each location are listed on the Holding Pond Locations Attachment G. 6. Pond capacities range from approximately 19,000 gallons to approximately 60,000 gallons. 7. During the prosecution of work, VDOT reserves the right to suspend the work in whole or in part due to the failure of the Contractor to correct conditions that are unsafe for the workers and/or the general public. 8. The Contractor shall provide a continuous operation once at a site, processing multiple loads per day, until the pond is completely empty of water.