Specifications include, but are not limited to: The purpose of this program is to enter into agreements with organizations to provide volunteer ambassadors at Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) wildlife areas to greet visitors, answer any questions visitors may have about local recreation, and provide education on how to recreate responsibly for that particular location. See Exhibit B, Work Requirements, for a more detailed list of tasks that organizations will need to accomplish while providing these services. In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of visitors to WDFWmanaged lands, including many visitors with little outdoor recreation knowledge or experience. These visitors would benefit from additional contact with agency-affiliated personnel at popular points of entry to WDFW-managed lands to provide a welcome, information about the place they are visiting, and education on how to recreate safely and responsibly. Whenever possible, this role is played by enforcement or regional staff, but WDFW currently lacks the capacity to staff every place where these kinds of engagement could be beneficial.