The KMS & TMS field improvement project aims to: 1. Enhance outdoor learning opportuniƟes and field condiƟons by installing syntheƟc turf to replace natural grass, upgrading current track with modernized rubber surface, and replace exisƟng deterioraƟng tennis courts with new to extent that project budget allows. 2. Accommodate district growth by increasing the number of available modernized playfields throughout the district and providing an outdoor space that can be used year-round, with greater frequency and reduced maintenance. 3. Update and improve school adjacent spaces to accommodate outdoor learning opportuniƟes for physical educaƟon and other academic uses conducive to the outdoors. 4. Strategically plan and design for the full field replacement that incorporates a phased approach, if necessary, to include the tennis courts and/or other aspects of the site, while ensuring functionality for students, staff and the public, minimizing disruptions to educational and extracurricular operations. 5. Develop and design a long-term sustainability approach for KMS and TMS within the project's site and budget constraints