In partnership with other organizations, perform the work and provide all logistics necessary to engage, organize and facilitate up to four (4) Community Assemblies who will help determine policy, program or funding decisions in the State of Washington. One topic has already been pre-determined by DSHS: how to address a just transition toward sustainable, climate-resilient agriculture in Washington. Perform professional research related to Community Assembly topics, accessibility support, marketing, and communications. Perform both community and stakeholder outreach to facilitate trusting partnerships between Washington state communities and government entities. As needed, develop and create data tools to track community resolutions, solutions, and lessons learned, and that can be used to aggregate data to inform policy, program or budget decisions at the local or state level. Perform professional analysis of data gathered and provide expert consultation or technical assistance as needed. Provide financial services that include managing and distributing grants and compensating or providing stipends to Community Assembly attendees.