Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. The timing of each grazing event shall be agreed upon prior to commencing and shall be performed at locations designated by the City. Once initiated, each grazing event shall continue on consecutive days until work is completed. Grazing events are estimated to start around the last part of April or beginning of May each year. 2. All bidders must provide their own temporary fencing, equipment, water tanks, employees to watch the herd, and herd dogs. 3. The City of Walla Walla will provide the following: (a) Water to fill bidder’s water tanks. (b) All hour’s access to landfill properties. (c) Notification and coordination of grazing events with neighboring residents as needed. 4. Bidders shall provide all necessary licensing for operation and transport. All other cost/services shall be the responsibility of the bidder and must be included in the bid price. 5. Bidders shall be responsible for all damage resulting from the grazing event, and all normal wear and tear to their equipment. 6. A minimum of two referencesshall be provided on the attached Bid Proposal form. 7. Measurement of payment: Measurement for payment will be based on the acreage shown on each of the attached site maps. Any boundary that is extended or reduced will be jointly measured by the Contractor and the City to determine the net reduction or expansion. 8. Mobilization shall include the cost of all preparatory work performed by the bidder including procurement, loading and transportation of goats, tools, equipment, personal travel time, assembly/set-up, demobilization costs, and other fees for all equipment during each grazing event. 9. Bidders are encouraged to visit the Sudbury Road Landfill and the other City owned properties and view the terrain and areas where grazing is needed.