Specifications include, but are not limited to: Organizations selected for ICAP will convene and manage an industry-led cluster centered on a single industry or sector. The cluster will engage in activities to: Identify and solve industry-level challenges that limit growth in the industry, such as access to capital, workforce shortages, etc. Drive innovation in the industry, such as joint research and development projects Identify and pursue market opportunities as a cluster COMMERCE is looking for organizations to propose a scope of work to best meet their cluster’s objectives. Cluster activities to outline in the cluster work plan include, but are not limited to: Hiring/onboarding staff for the cluster Participating in a COMMERCE-led cluster strategy and leadership development program Convening cluster partners and members (i.e. meetings and work groups) Conducting studies and their resulting reports (capital landscape studies, supply chain mapping, etc.) Leading joint innovation projects (note that projects are not funded through ICAP funding) Other activities and deliverables as identified in the cluster work plan ICAP clusters must also participate in the ICAP Cluster Strategy and Leadership Development Program, which includes: Cluster strategy sessions – 1 day sessions conducted quarterly with each clusters’ management team, Board of Directors, and key partners. Sessions are created to meet organizations where they are and include topics such as: o Intro to Innovation Clusters o Basic Cluster Strategy o Growing a Cluster o Cluster Strategy Framework o Cluster Value Impact o Go-to-Market Strategies o Business Model and Funding Leadership development sessions: 1 day sessions conducted quarterly conducted with the ICAP cohort. Topics include: o Cluster Ecosystems o Market Opportunities o Strategic Growth and Development o Cluster Value Proposition o Cluster Business Models o Developing and Implementing Cluster Project Portfolios Cluster board chair development sessions: Three 1 day sessions conducted with all board chairs to guide them in developing a high performing cluster board.