This scope of work is a general guide to the work the County expects to be performed and is not a complete listing of all services that may be required or desired. This is not a solicitation for the management of any of the County’s funds. Routine Portfolio and Investment Policy Compliance Reviews On a quarterly basis, the Consultant shall conduct a review of the portfolio. The review shall include narrative information, tables and graphics in a succinct easy-to-follow package intended for use by administrators, committee members, and pool participants. Elements of this service include: Compliance reporting Summary of market news and events as it relates to portfolio diversification Commentary on the pool’s asset credit quality, liquidity and maturity distribution Credit Support Services On an as needed basis, the Consultant shall assist the County in credit analysis. Elements of this service include: Assist with the County’s credit review framework and related procedures Provide opinions on the County’s issuer exposure within the portfolio Strategic Advisory Services As requested, the Consultant shall provide input to the decision-making process regarding strategic investment issues such as sector allocations and maturity distributions. Elements of this service include: Provide analysis of current market trends and valuations that can be incorporated into strategic decisions regarding the pool’s exposure to interest rate and credit risk Identify holdings that potentially pose undue risk to the pool Provide brief reports including market commentary, rating agencies actions, world economic news and events Policy Development Assist the County in reviewing and updating its investment policy. Elements of this service include: Review the County’s current investment policy and procedures and suggest changes Assist the County in developing new policies to take advantage of new investment opportunities within the limits allowed by Washington State law