The work to be performed by the consultant consists of the design and ultimately the plans, specifications and engineer’s estimate (PS&E) for the project and is anticipated to include but not limited to: • Support and coordination with County staff in the development of right of way plans and legal descriptions for property acquisitions. Calculating Right of Way acquisitions, legal descriptions, and supporting County staff, as needed. • Survey and base mapping will be provided by the County. However, should the County not have the resources needed to meet the needs of the project, the Consultant will be expected to provide survey and/or base mapping expertise and resources. • Constructability analyses including alternative roadway closures and construction phasing to minimize impacts to existing traffic. • Public outreach with property owners and the public. This includes participating in and providing materials (including artistic renderings of the project) for outreach and presentations to elected officials and the public. • Coordination with utility providers. This includes identifying conflicts with the utilities in the plans, participating in and providing materials for this coordination effort. • Geotechnical soils analysis and groundwater monitoring as appropriate, including a review of the previous reports and findings. • Cultural resources review and analysis as appropriate. • Incorporate Low Impact Development designs as feasible...