Specifications include, but are not limited to: WEBSITE DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, AND HOSTING SERVICES; • Respondent currently provides website services to a local government entity. • Public access to all content and features (not development or management) on the website is not dependent on specific browser, that is, the web interface is browser agnostic and works with commonly used browsers found on Windows, Linux and Mac computer systems. • Website is capable of being organized into multiple departments and divisions within departments with ability for City website administration to add divisions. • Intuitive and consistent options for navigating the website especially moving from department to department and department to general information/home page. • Multiple level security, for further development or content management must be completely contained within the website infrastructure, and not reliant on the existing City network security or peer-to-peer connectivity. • All security options must be fully explained in the response to this proposal. ; • Capability of the general website administration staff to: o Control size of individual web pages. o Control size and types of images used within the site. o Control publishing of links to other websites. o Report website maintenance activity and statistics on content type: Updates, downloadable documents, web pages, calendars, and broken links. o Report number of visits to site generally and to each department. • Provides 128-bit encryption over Secure Socket Layer for displaying specific web pages and for information transmitted to and from the website by City staff. • E-mail interfaces, if any, are not dependent on a specific e-mail client. • Respondents proposing to host the City website must not be on any e-mail or website “black lists” as a source of unwanted solicitations or objectionable content. • The site must be designed for continuous operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with express maintenance windows clearly defined. Host must have adequate redundant equipment to minimize down time.