1. Objective The City of Shoreline is requesting statements of qualifications for the Safe SS4A Safety Action Plan (“Plan”). The objective of this solicitation is to obtain the services of a qualified individual or firm to develop a Plan that meets the requirements outlined in USDOT SS4A Action Plan Components Document and Self-Certification Eligibility Worksheet, and to develop an online story map, dashboard, and potentially other tools to be used to inform and automate yearly updates to the Plan. The yearly update of this Plan is intended to replace the City’s Annual Traffic Report process, which is the City’s current mechanism for annual reporting on transportation safety trends and improvement strategies. 2. Tasks to be Performed 2.1 Safety Action Plan The Consultant shall develop a Plan that includes all of the components of a SS4A Action Plan as outlined by USDOT, as well as meeting the requirements outlined in the SS4A Self-Certification Eligibility Worksheet. The Plan will demonstrate the City’s support for and general consistency with the Washington State Target Zero initiative. The City has already completed the first 2 components of a SS4A Action Plan by establishing a leadership commitment and planning structure. The Consultant shall develop the remaining components by performing the following tasks and summarizing the findings, actions taken, and proposed changes as part of the Plan: 2.1.1 Safety Analysis Review, analyze, and summarize existing conditions and historical trends to provide a baseline level of serious injury and fatal crashes, or involving vulnerable road users such as bicyclists and pedestrians throughout Shoreline. 2.1.2 Engagement and Collaboration Assist City staff in developing and performing engagement and collaboration strategies to ensure diverse community and private sector feedback is represented and equitably incorporated in the Plan. 2.1.3 Equity Considerations Identify and incorporate processes to ensure historically underserved communities are identified and engaged, and that the Plan incorporates equity impact assessments when identifying and prioritizing projects and strategies, and throughout the lifecycle of identified projects. 2.1.4 Policy and Process Changes Develop and document a repeatable process to evaluate safety on a yearly basis as described in section 2.3 below, utilizing the online story map and dashboard described in section 2.2 below, and any additional tools developed as part of this project. The Consultant shall also assess and provide recommendations for modifications to other relevant existing traffic operations policies, processes, and engineering standards to integrate the safe systems approach into existing operational and capital transportation program workflows, such as the City’s APWA Chapter 34 practices and policies, street light installation prioritization guidelines, targeted sections of the City’s Engineering Development Manual, and signal operations policies (e.g. leading pedestrian interval phasing criteria). 2.1.5 Strategy and Project Selections Identify a set of projects and strategies to reduce the number of fatal and serious injury collisions, as well as collisions involving vulnerable road users. Identify proven safety countermeasures and collision reduction strategies that adhere to the Safe Systems Approach that could be implemented throughout the City. The Consultant shall identify strategies that could be incorporated into currently planned projects, as well as establish and document criteria to be used in future updates to the Plan to identify and prioritize new projects. 2.1.6 Progress and Transparency Develop processes to track and measure progress in reducing the number of fatal and serious injury collisions, as well as collisions involving vulnerable road users over time. Progress tracking and measuring shall be transparent and available to the public. 2.2 Online Story Map and Dashboard Develop an online Target Zero story map and dashboard, to be hosted and maintained by the City. The story map shall include maps, charts, and text to display and contextualize relevant safety information, particularly related to serious injury collisions, fatal collisions, and collisions involving vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and bicyclists. The dashboard shall be able to display relevant collision and roadway information with tools to filter, zoom, and download data. The story map and dashboard shall be used as a form of the Plan’s progress tracking and transparency component. For consistency with other programs, the City would prefer the dashboard to be developed in ArcGIS Online.