Specifications include, but are not limited to: The College seeks a partner in the redesign of the website, and to work in collaboration with the College’s Marketing and Communications team on content strategy, information architecture, and user experience. The College will form a working group to collaborate and provide feedback. The partner will provide visual design, page templates, and technical descriptions for the site build. The College seeks to give higher priority to our student audiences, while maintaining our connections with donors, alumni, faculty and staff.; • Develop a content outline, and information architecture (including relevant taxonomies) that meet the needs of the audiences above, as related to the College. ; • Develop a visual design that reflects the UW’s brand while incorporating elements distinct to the College.; • Develop a content strategy for the site including page content descriptions, style guides, content revision schedules, search engine optimization tactics, and workflows compatible with team size and available resources.; • Develop relevant site documentation and descriptions to guide website development.; • Provide advice on desirable modifications to existing content and develop original content for some high priority areas.