4.1.1 Provide Maintenance and support to WVDRS established Pathways to the Future Website and Navigation platform. The vendor awarded this contract must be able to monitor, maintain and support the established WVDRS Pathways to the future website using current website setup and parameters. The vendor must monitor external resources associated with the website to ensure updates are initiated in a timely manner. Vendor must perform back-end maintenance, repairs, upgrades, support and renewals on the current server and all related built-in applications. As needed or at the request of the Agency. Vendor will work with WVDRS and WIOA partners to link to new and updated resources including WVDRS menu of services, as well as update and correct content as requested by WVDRS and WIOA. Vendor will monitor and update CRP, post-secondary education and resource database as new updates are provided. Vendor must utilize SurveyMonkey to provide survey updates of Pre-ETS services and resources available to WVDRS consumers as requested. Vendors must be able to integrate updates of “Lessons for Life After High School” and “Transition Guide for Students with Disabilities and their Parents” resources throughout the Pathways website. Vendor must be able to post online surveys when requested by agency. Vendor must be able to provide usage and analytics reports when requested by agency. Vendor will be required to monitor and update social media accounts as needed. Vendor will be required to respond to website inquiries, receive and respond to online submissions. Vendor must be able to maintain accessibility toolbar, screen reading, translation tools and respond to accessibility issues using Texthelp/ReachDeck when required. Using Kuder Navigator vendor must maintain student career, education navigator, troubleshooting issues, and provide technical assistance to WVDRS and WVDE when requested. Using Traitify vendor must maintain student personality assessment program “Me/Not Me” troubleshoot issues and provide technical assistance to WVDRS and WVDR as requested. Using O*Net API vendor must maintain O*net integration programs such as Career Search and Interest Profiler. Vendor must troubleshoot issues and provide technical assistance to WVDRS and WVDE as requested.