The project will involve but is not limited to the removal and proper disposal of petroleum-contaminated soils by excavation, backfilling the excavation, and restoring the disturbed area to gravel ● Ensure a Right of Entry Agreement has been obtained from the landowner prior to the start of the contract. ● Excavate petroleum impacted soil from the ground by providing all necessary personnel, labor, materials, and equipment to extract approximately 500 tons of material and dispose of properly. This includes any additional excavation depending on field screenings and site conditions. Work with the on-site WVDEP project manager to determine if and how much excavation is appropriate. ● Segregate obviously contaminated and non-contaminated soils during excavation. Field screen and segregate contaminated and uncontaminated soils. If necessary, ensure contaminated and uncontaminated soils/debris is placed on and covered by 6-mil black plastic to prevent runoff of material until soil/debris is properly managed.