The work for which bids are asked includes the following estimated quantities: 1,050 LF of sanitary sewer and laterals (6” thru 10” PVC) as well as 420 LF of sanitary sewer cured in place pipe lining (15-inch diameter) along with associated sanitary sewer work; 1,165 L.F. of water main (4” thru 8” PVC) and services; 800 LF of storm sewer (4”-18” Class III-A) and associated storm structure work; 4,755 S.Y. aggregate base and geogrid installation; 2,000 S.Y. topsoil and sodding; 65 TON of asphalt pavement; 3,590 S.Y. of concrete pavement; 10,260 S.F. of concrete sidewalk; 1,950 L.F. concrete curb and gutter; 2,175 S.F. concrete driveway approach; 650 LF of epoxy pavement markings; as well as all related work including unclassified excavation, erosion control, and traffic control.