Specifications include, but are not limited to: MPS is seeking responses from professional and qualified transportation providers for school busing services throughout the school year. This request includes busing services for: regular school day transportation, transportation of students from the City of Milwaukee to various suburban districts to attend school; and transportation for special education students. A daily total of 350 (18-28 passenger) buses and 350 (65-72 passenger) busses - for a total of 700 buses – are anticipated to be utilized as a result of this RFP. MPS provides home-to-school transportation for almost 45,000 students daily during the regular school year. Transportation is provided to each MPS school site, 23 suburban districts, and to various non-public schools. School bus services to be provided pursuant to this RFP will generally fall during the periods of 6:00 a.m. until 9:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, August through June. Transportation is provided for students in grades K3-12, including students receiving special education services. A single bus may service from one to three routes both in the morning and/or one to three routes in the afternoon. Routes may be a combination of pickup and delivery to more than one school site. Where buses have been grouped, it is to provide logical combinations of morning and afternoon routes. In some cases, within a group, there may be more or fewer buses required for the afternoon return service than for the morning pickup service or vice versa. There is no guarantee that a contractor will be awarded both the morning and afternoon service for a route. This award will not require wheelchair accessible equipment.