SUBJECT: Scope of Work/Technical Specifications
Winding and Vibration Analysis with Multiyear Option
- General Information.
- The intent of this scope is to solicit quotes with multiyear options for winding analysis of multiple electrical motors and vibration analysis in the Dredge Goetz fleet.
- Equipment requiring testing for winding analysis is listed below. Testing will be completed between March 15th and April 11th of the base year and February 1st and March 30th of option years.
- See Solicitation
- Testing locations for winding analysis will occur at the following locations depending on where the Goetz fleet is located for winter maintenance. The base year will be at the Fountain City Service Base.
Fountain City Service Base St Louis Service Base
431 N Shore Dr 100 Arsenal St
Fountain City, WI 54629 St Louis, MO 63118
- Equipment requiring testing for bearing vibration analysis is listed below. Testing will be completed between May 1st and June 30th of every year.
- See Solicitation
- Testing locations for bearing vibration analysis will occur during dredging operations. This analysis will take place on the Mississippi river system between Reeds Landing, MN and down to Lansing, IA.
- Contractors will be required to wear life vests while traveling to the vessel from the landing and while boarding the vessel. Hardhats are required, protective eyewear, and hi-visibility vests are required when onboard the vessel inside the enclosure.
- Successful quoter will require the recording of all motor data plate information by the contractor to accurately track motor performance from one year to the next. Every year, data plate information will be checked to capture any equipment changes that can occur during the dredging season.
- Contractors are responsible for powering down all equipment and locking out electrical systems in accordance with all local, state, and federal safety guidelines.
- Contractors are required to have the proper PPE when entering cabinets and MCC panels.
- Contractors are responsible for isolating equipment being tested from other A/C drives, capacitors, suppressors, lighting arrestors, grounding arrestors, or any other equipment that may cause improper winding analysis readings.
- A US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) employee will be available the entire time to assist with removing covers, identifying equipment, or motor connections.
- The Corps of Engineers reserves the right to inspect the equipment at any time.
- The only work authorized is identified in this Statement of Work (SOW). Any additional repairs identified during the testing must be approved by the contracting office and are required to have prior written approval from the Contracting Office before the work begins.
- Testing result notes will cover any problems with each motor tested and written recommendations. At no time is any repair work permitted unless approved from the contracting officer. Results will be discussed with the USACE representative, and copies of the results will be submitted to the contracting office.