The American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) has a requirement for the acquisition and implementation of a web-based, enterprise application to serve as a database and case tracking system which supports inputting, processing, tracking, managing, and reporting on Equal Employment Opportunity/ Equal Opportunity (EEO/EO) complaint cases. For a full description of the requirements, see the attached Performance Work Statement (PWS).
Questions from vendors may be submitted prior to 8 November, and proposals are by no later than 29 November.
Proposals may utilize whatever Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) structure most appropriate and advantageous to the Government, but all proposals must include coverage for a base year plus for option years.
Proposals will be evaluated using a best value trade-off analysis.
See attached RFP Instructions Letter for additional details.
This opportunity is cross-posted on GSA eBuy via RFQ1665115.