SCOPE OF WORK TITLE OF PROJECT: AE Water Treatment Improvements. AUTHORITY FOR THE PROJECT: Veterans Affairs (VA); National Contracting Office (NCO) 19. GENERAL: Buildings 58, 79, 82, 107 and associated ponds, basins, and components of the Water Treatment Plant and distribution system at the Sheridan Wyoming Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) 1898 Fort, Sheridan Wyoming 82801 require improvements to repair and upgrade the water treatment system and facilities. Statement of Work: INTRODUCTION This Statement of Work (SOW) defines the work activities, deliverables, and timelines a vendor must execute in performance of specified work for a client. The vendor for this SOW shall be an Architectural & Engineering (AE) firm. This will be a firm fixed price DESIGN-BID-BUILD with included construction management services provided by the AE for the stated Project. The client for this SOW document shall be: SHERIDAN VA MEDICAL SYSTEM SHERIDAN, WY. Site investigation: The A/E shall plan to be on site to gather detailed information on the current condition of the building(s) and to verify the accuracy of as-built drawings. The A/E shall investigate all utility characteristics which will affect the design such as water system components, future equipment needs, etc. The A/E will be provided as-built drawings of the buildings, at the conclusion of construction, but it will be up to the A/E to work with the construction contractor to process the information and gather existing data in addition to the field investigations. The A/E shall interview and work with VAMC staff to determine how the current systems are working and what needs there are from the VA FMS staff operating perspective. The station personal will be available by phone for general questions but most field investigation will have to be done by the A/E. The A/E will provide enough on-site investigation days to do this work. As part of the design the following list shall be considered: General The selected A/E, for negotiation purposes is encouraged to visit the site, at their expense, before procurement is finalized to ensure a complete understanding of the site. All visits will be pre-approved and coordinated with the COR before any visits are authorized. Design work is to be completed no later than 180 days after notice of award. The design MAY need to be reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office due to the historic nature of the Sheridan station. Care shall be taken to minimize disruption of the historic features of the buildings. Design shall incorporate any environmental requirements applicable from federal (including Sheridan station Veterans administration GEMS requirements), state, and local entities. Construction project is to be completed within 9 months or less, with a shorter construction timeline being preferable, from date of notice to proceed. Special attention to the planned construction schedule for the Pond and /or basins location work will be adhered to in order to facilitate peak water treatment facility capacities and storage requirements. Water treatment plant operations during critical time periods will NOT be disrupted by construction (Note: Alternative plans may be submitted by AE to accommodate longer construction periods) The amount of design must be adjusted to fit the budget of the project. Additive bid alternates with a cumulative total of 20% of estimated construction must be part of the design so that the project can be procured within the VA construction budget. The total budget is estimated at less than $8,000,000.00. Contingency planning shall be incorporated to account for increased costs in construction. Construction documents showing the red lines will be submitted by the construction contractor to the A/E and put into the AutoCAD drawings and submitted within 30 days of the completion of the construction project. Final payments may be delayed if As-built documentation is not received and approved by the Sheridan VA staff. Provide As-Built Record drawings of As-Constructed work to the VA in the most current version of AutoCAD. Revit or other 3D BIM software systems files will NOT be accepted. The VA will provide the Contractor with the base AutoCAD files which will need to be verified with the actual buildings and structures in the field. No additional cost, to the owner (Sheridan VAHCSD), will be incurred for corrections to electronic drawings and files that are not consistent with the actual buildings and structures. The A/E shall be provided copies of the VA station record drawings for the buildings and systems affected by this project. In addition to the As-Built drawings, the A/E shall VERIFY prior to design plans and specifications and update the record drawings, after construction, for the buildings, area of buildings, and/or affected building and utility systems for the areas/systems touched by this project and shall return the updated record drawings in AutoCAD format to the COR at the completion of the project. All work will be coordinated through the local COR. The A/E shall arrange for a 3rd party fire/life safety review as applicable. The A/E shall update the design and specifications to resolve any issues identified from that review. The A/E shall provide a copy of the 3rd party fire/life safety review to the COR. A/E shall provide the SOW, along with all complete project documents, for the construction phase of the project and provide recommended changes/additions to the COR. All work will conform to the current editions of the VA Design Standard Manuals and VA design guides as published at the following sites:, VA OIT design guide at , VA electrical design manual at, Underwriters Laboratory, IBC 2003, NFPA and NEC building codes and standards. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Design Manuals and VA publications (Master Construction Specifications, Construction Standards and VA Information Security Handbook 6500.6 etc.). Detail Specific project Elements to be address (complete list shall be a part of AE investigations): Design water liner at ponds for water treatment plant. Liner may be welded or sprayed as determined by the A/E and shall be designed to withstand the operations and environment of the Sheridan VA water treatment plant. All associated repairs and stability of existing ponds for liner installation. Designs for installation mud drain valves for ponds in or around vault. Design and install catwalk for the ponds to facilitate operations. Design and install Effluent Pipe with three (3) levels to facilitate testing and operational requirements for water quality in ponds as agreed upon by VA staff. New Installation of Transformers for building 58 and water tower for future expansion. Installation of all Mechanical, Electrical, HVAC, Communications requirements for new building and upgrades. Design and install complete raw water meter and associated upgrade components at building 58. Design and install complete Potable water meter and associated upgrade components at building 58. Design and install flow meters with air vacuums as required. Design and install potable and coagulation flow meters and associated upgrades as required. Design for corrections to the leaking vault to the right inside the entrance gate where the water from the clear well flows thru and then down to the water tower. Demo and new construction of building 107 per design requirements for new vault. Design and install valves and associated components for building 107. Design and replace level and temp meter, piping in utility pit and replace transducer. All associated grading, drainage and site work for all improvements. All associated permitting, certifications, and regulatory documentation. Any other identified upgrade and correction components to the system within budget parameters. To be provided by the VA to the designer: Available one-line prints of as-build utilities plans and building floor plans are available at the VA Engineering Office in AutoCAD or PDF format. The accuracy of these prints is a close approximation of what exists on site. There may be instances where the prints are wrong, therefore the contractor shall be responsible for field verification of all project requirements and measurements. VA Standards and VA Master Specifications in electronic format Microsoft Word © (MS WORD) are available on the VA web site. Add document footer to these specifications showing the project, the section number, and the page number. The A/E must fill in all blanks or options and make sure they match the drawings. Existing hazardous material survey reports for the associated buildings in the project. Meeting and Submittal reviews: The A/E will combine the kickoff meeting with the first investigative trip. The A/E will be on site for the 35%, 65%, 95% and 100% reviews. A/E shall provide the means to do any virtual meetings. Microsoft TEAMS is the preferred software. A/E shall provide a VA approved site for the transferring of documents. The A/E will take minutes for all phone calls, meetings and decisions then distribute for review by the members within 5 business days and then finalize the minutes within 5 more business days. Electronic and emailed minutes are acceptable.