This project includes removal and replacement of approximately 6,000 yd.2 of existing road base and asphalt surface, removal and replacement of approximately 17,300 ft.2 of concrete sidewalk and base, and removal and replacement of approximately 3,400 linear feet of concrete curb and gutter and base. Supply and installation of approximately 6,000 yd.2 of geogrid for subgrade stabilization will also be included. Utility improvements include capping or removal of existing 6” diameter and 12” diameter asbestos cement water mains and replacement with 8” diameter PVC water main. Proposed water main improvements consist of installation of approximately 1,750 linear feet of 8” diameter PVC, installation of valves/fittings, removal and replacement of 29 water service lines, removal of up to 29 curb stops, and installation of 28 curb stops. Storm drain improvements include installation of 6 storm drain catch basins, 3 storm drain manholes, and approximately 600 linear feet of 15” diameter reinforced concrete pipe. Storm drain improvements will also include a tie-in to an existing storm drain manhole and installation of the sidewalk drains and inlets near STA 6+58. The project also consists of the relocation of the Faith and Mansface pump shed, removal of the remaining electrical and mechanical pump shed components, removal of the reinforced concrete vault and portion of the walls, and backfilling of the remaining vault space.