Specifications include, but are not limited to: I. Stakeholder Identification and Community Engagement: 1. Identify partner/stakeholder/user groups 2. Engage partners, stakeholders, users, and the public at large to gather data for analysis a. Develop and deploy user surveys b. Coordinate and lead partner/stakeholder/user meetings c. Coordinate and lead public meetings 3. Engagement efforts will gather data on the following, as a minimum: a. Current sentiment regarding parks and recreation assets and programming b. Community needs and wants in terms of parks and recreation assets and programming c. Interest in expanding outdoor recreation opportunities d. Interest in expanding youth sports opportunities e. Desires regarding public vs. private offerings II. Data Analysis and Reporting: 1. Review and analyze past studies and plans for current relevancy regarding the Parks and Rec Master Plan 2. Inventory current recreational assets and programming/offerings 3. Identify areas of underservice 4. Identify areas of over service/saturation 5. Assess the condition of existing assets and current maintenance/repair needs 6. Identify/recommend strategies to deploy for strategic growth and sustainability a. Identify and prioritize recreation growth opportunities based on return on investment and/or impact i. Economic impact – local job creation, economic diversification, etc. ii. Tourism impact – dollars brought from outside the community iii. Estimated use/community engagement iv. Quality of life/livability impacts v. Physical/mental health impacts vi. Strengthening of collaboration/partnerships vii. Re-use or reimagination of current assets/programming (i.e. Eastridge Mall, parks, other public or private land or buildings) b. Identify recommended collaboration and partnership opportunities among partners, stakeholders, and users for expansion and maintenance c. Identify and quantify current and maintenance needs and recommend plans and/or methods for sustainability d. Identify possible funding mechanisms for future projects and ongoing maintenance of assets/programming III. Communication Planning 1. Develop public communication plan for Master Plan results 2. Recommend where related information is kept and how it is distributed 3. Recommend future communication/branding strategies for future projects