Specifications include, but are not limited to: 2.1 Conduct and oversee a public input process A transparent and open process is desired and must include the following: a. In-person citizen input meetings – minimum of 4 at beginning of process in the communities of Beulah, Hulett, Moorcroft, and Sundance. b. In-person County Commission and Planning/Zoning Land Use Commission joint meetings: i. initial kick off meeting ii. 1 st draft of the Plan iii. final draft of the Plan at time of adoption by County Commission c. Online input methods and/or social media page. d. Other creative methods and means of obtaining citizen response. The county has video conferencing capability for any additional update and coordination meetings needed. 2.2 Create a new Plan complete with maps, graphics, and supporting written goals and policies that address the following: a. Existing and future land use for rural/remote locations, as well as within 1 mile of city limits. See 2.3 below for information required for the incorporated towns. The level of detail must be one that can be easily interpreted by the county staff, decision makers, and the public. The Plan should be oriented to a 15-20 year timeline or as otherwise recommended by the consultant. b. Infrastructure considerations when within 1 mile of city limits. c. Infrastructure considerations for residential subdivisions in rural/remote areas. d. Environmental quality including ground water and surface water, air, open space, wildlife corridors. e. Rural/Ag preservation policies/strategies. f. Impacts resulting from federal, state, recreation/tourism, mining, commercial, and industrial land uses.