Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Vision/Mission i. Maintain and cultivate the shared vision of the ECW Joint Power Board Partners. ii. Research, develop, and recommend bold, major new programs with Board Members. iii. Responsible for the planning, organizing, and directing of the organization’s operations and programs. iv. Coordinate with ECW’s partners on existing and new programs, funding opportunities, and ECW’s operations generally. v. Providing periodic Board updates and assisting Executive Committee and Board of Directors in performance of their duties. vi. Schedule, administer, curate, and execute takeaways for and from annual Board retreats 2. Administer Existing Programs i. Greenpower a. Promote Greenpower adoption and Compressed Natural Gas (“CNG”) adoption. b. Provide a monthly report for Green power customers, revenue and energy savings. ii. Community Solar a. Work with LVE and ECW to plan, develop, and implement a minimum 1.5 MW community solar project or projects by December 31, 2024 b. Work with the selected Community Solar developer to implement the scope of work attached to the consulting contract. c. Work with LVE and the ECW Board to develop a Community Solar subscription and participation program that achieves ECW’s goals of appropriate financial participation and access to low income and renters. d. Publicize the Community Solar program and develop a marketing plan for subscriptions. iii. Residential and Commercial Loan Program a. Provide a monthly update on loan balance, new loans completed, new loans initiated, and energy saving since program inception. b. Review both loan programs to simplify if possible by December 31 ,2024 iv. Low Income weatherization project. a. Develop renter toolkit for energy efficiency. v. Heat pump a. Initiate outreach and promotion.