Specifications include, but are not limited to: Provide engineering and investigative services to determine the best life cycle cost efficient modifications and/or additions to the boilers, boiler controls, boiler venting and glycol system; and evaluate the overall HVAC system operation in conjunction with those modifications and/or additions: • Research and review of existing information for the boilers, boiler controls, boiler venting, glycol system and overall HVAC system. • Perform a visual investigation of the boilers, boiler controls, boiler venting, glycol system and overall HVAC system. • Review design based on the Contract Documents and field conditions. • Determine “as constructed” conditions for boilers, boiler controls, boiler venting, and glycol system. • Perform a Code Review for HVAC system components. • Determine “as existing” conditions for the boilers, boiler controls, boiler venting, and glycol system. Perform testing (non-destructive or destructive) required to determine the condition of the boilers and associated components and overall HVAC operation in conjunction with boiler system conditions. Patch/repair any destructive testing locations. • Evaluate boiler controls in conjunction with overall HVAC system operation and control. • Provide recommendations for HVAC system component improvement, replacement, and/or repairs with an emphasis on the boilers, boiler venting, boiler controls and glycol system. Recommendations for equipment replacement should consider ease of maintenance, service life, availability of parts and service, and compatibility with the overall HVAC system. • Establish a priority list and urgency scale timetable for recommended equipment replacement and/or repairs. • Provide an opinion of probable cost table for recommended HVAC system component improvements, equipment replacement and/or repairs. • Summarize findings and recommendations in a final report.