The contractor shall provide a three-day wagon trek experience along the Historic Trails (Oregon, Mormon, California, and Pony Express) corridor in Wyoming for youth and staff within reasonable distance from Casper, WY. All provisions for the excursion shall be provided for participants including meals, shelters, and bedding. Also, the contractor shall have all necessary permits and permissions for land access along the trail corridor. The experience shall emulate pioneer experiences along the trails. The trek is needed for volunteer training and youth outreach which requires that the contract staff to be knowledgeable of the Historic Trails in Wyoming and be able to engage the participants in discussions with stories and historical explanations. The trek is also the basis for development of temporary exhibits utilized for public outreach at the Center.
The contractor shall provide all resources necessary to accomplish the tasks and deliverables described in this Statement of Work. The contractor shall provide a living history (re-enactment) trail ride by wagon experience for the Youth Trail Trek Program at the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center.
¿ The trek shall last the duration of three days and two nights.
¿ It shall take place along the National Historic Oregon, Mormon, California, Pony Express Trail corridor in Wyoming within reasonable distance from Casper.
¿ The timing of the trek shall be mutually agreed upon by the NHTIC Staff coordinators and the contractor to take place during the month of July, August, or September.
¿ All necessary provisions for the trail ride shall be provided by the contractor.
¿ The trail trek shall utilize horse, mule, or oxen to pull wagons for the experience.
¿ The Trail Trek participants shall consist of up to 16 NHTIC participants.
¿ The Trail Trek will be provided solely for NHTIC participants and will not have other guests or customers.
¿ Contract employees shall have passed a fingerprint clearance and background check for working with youth.
¿ Contractor shall have all necessary permits and permissions, liability insurances, an active emergency action plan on file.