Specifications include, but are not limited to: The City is seeking retail services for retail recruitment and retention with a focus on data and commercial real estate. The City will work closely with the vendor to implement the plan in this partnership. The vendor will serve as an extension to the staff. New Business Recruitment Research 1. Identify market retail trade area using political boundaries, drive times, radii, and custom boundary geographies. 2. Perform market and retail GAP analysis for trade area (i.e., leakage and surplus). 3. Conduct retail peer market analysis. 4. Competition analysis of identified target zones trade area(s). 5. Tapestry lifestyles – psychographic profile of trade area/market segmentation analysis. 6. Customized retail market guide including aerial map with existing national retailer brands and traffic counts. 7. Retail competitor mapping/analysis. 8. Analysis of future retail space requirements in relation to the retail market analysis, the market’s growth potential and trends in the retail industry 9. Identification of at minimum 30 retail prospects to be targeted for recruitment over three-year engagement. 10. Updates provided on retail industry trends. 11. Custom on-demand demographic research – historical, current, and projected demographics – to include market trade areas by radius/drive time, and custom trade area. Boots On The Ground Analysis 1. Identify/Evaluate/Catalog priority commercial properties for development, re-development, and higher and best use opportunities. 2. Identification of priority business categories for recruitment and/or local expansion. 3. Perform competitive analysis of existing shopping centers and retail corridors. 4. Active outreach to local brokers and landowners.