Specifications include, but are not limited to: Teton County is issuing this Request for Proposals in search of teams/firms with expertise and experience in Transportation and Mobility Planning, Equitable Public Engagement, and Complete Streets Design to prepare a USDOT-compliant Comprehensive Safety Action Plan and associated deliverables for the Town of Jackson and Teton County. The work products developed through this process will position the Town and County to (1) pursue capital grants to advance the build-out of the region's multimodal transportation network and (2) adopt standards, guidelines, and regulations to embed the Safe Systems and Complete Streets approach into all transportation planning, design, and delivery processes. The three core deliverables include: Comprehensive Safety Action Plan that will identify priority projects to improve safety for all users and will ensure that the Town of Jackson and Teton County are eligible to apply for SS4A Implementation Grants. T own of Jackson Street Typology memo that will identify recommended active transportation, transit, and vehicular networks and will serve as an update to the 2015 Town of Jackson Community Streets Plan. Transportation Engineering Design Standards Manual of recommended design standards, design details, and Land Development Regulations that are consistent with a ‘Safe Systems’ approach