Specifications include, but are not limited to: Teton County Integrated Solid Waste and Recycling (ISWR) submitted a grant request to the State of Wyoming Volkswagen (VW) Settlement Funds Request for the purchase of a new Rolloff Hook Truck to replace the older, less efficient diesel engine with a new model. The vehicle to be replaced is a 2008 International Durastar 4300 Truck and ISWR has submitted an application for a 2024 Isuzu FTR MT5 G8 Series. The existing Hook Lift Attachment, a 2007 Ampliroll AL100 Series Hook, is in mint condition, yet at the end of its life expectancy. ISWR has not been notified of grant funding allocation and is seeking bids for one or all of the following Rolloff Hook Truck options: 1) Isuzu (or equal) and existing Ampliroll AL100 Series Hook body swap. 2) Isuzu (or equal) plus new Stellar Hooklift 3) Kenworth T280 (or equal) and existing Ampliroll AL100 Series Hook body swap. 4) Kenworth T280 (or equal) plus new Stellar Hooklift.