Furnishing labor, equipment, supplies, and materials to perform ditch blading (75 feet), install one eighteen (18) inch CMP culvert 25 ft. in length. Repair existing 10 water bars, screen and stockpile 150 cubic yards of in-situ borrow with a 3 inch minus screen. Rejected aggregate greater than 3 inches can remain at the borrow site. The stockpiled aggregate will also be at the borrow site. The contractor shall provide at least one week notice to the BLM before starting work on the road. The road has aggregate surfacing. A Pre-award site visit will occur at the Weston Road.
Location: Work under this Contract is in Campbell County, Wyoming.
Weston Hills road entrance: 44.6371, -105.33629
Weston Hills In-situ borrow area and stockpile area: 44.63858, -105.38081.
Weston Hills 18¿ CMP culvert installation and ditch blading: 44.64308, -105.38584
Existing water bars repair, TBD upon pre-bid site visit.