The Buffalo Field Office requires the use of a steel post fencing system (T-bar and tubular steel posts in a 4:1 ratio) in place of wood post and cross braces for fencing. Services needed include: Removing approximately 2.2 miles of wildlife unfriendly fence (1.5 miles woven wire topped with barbed wire and 0.7 miles of 6-strand barbed wire), this should include approximately 6 stress panels, 3 wire gates, 4 corner panels, 12 end panels and 11,740 feet of wire. Remove wooden fence posts remaining from an earlier reconstruction. Remove all fences, end, stress, and corner panels, and gates as staked in the field or as designated by the Contracting Officer. Dispose of debris offsite in a legal manner. And then construct approximately 2.15 miles of four wire fence, 40 stress panels, 2 wire gates, 8 corner panels, and 17 end panels. Re-install 4 metal vehicle gates.
The work will be conducted within the Buffalo Field Office area and is necessary to prevent livestock trespass between the Fourmile Ranch and Falxa Allotments while providing for safe big-game movement. The fence is also required to facilitate grazing management practices and RMP requirements. The Contractor shall provide management, supervision, labor, supplies, materials, equipment, and tools required to remove 2.2 miles of wildlife unfriendly woven wire fence and construct the requested 2.15 miles of four-wire wildlife friendly fence and its associated infrastructure effectively, efficiently, and satisfactorily.
Primary POC:
Heather Skalet, Contract Specialist